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‘Power Rangers Reboot’ - The Green Ranger May Make An Appearance

Oct 19, 2014 11:08 PM EDT | By Adelyn Torralba

"The Power Rangers" Reboot may possibly feature Jason David Frank who played the Green Ranger in the television series.

Comic Book interviewed Jason with regards o the upcoming "Power Rangers" Reboot film. The Green Ranger actor said that it is probable that he will make an appearance in the film and he doesn't know however to what extent will be the level of his participation.

When asked for any spoilers or any inside information about the "Power Ranger Reboot," he simply said that he has no idea. He had a deal though about a Green Ranger television series or movie but it got shelved to make way for "Power Ranger Reboot."

He does have a film project going on right now called the "My Morphin Life". Jason also makes appearances on Comic Book conventions as the Green Ranger. He also recounts how he met Marvel's Stan Lee during a recent convention and he said that he was impressed by Stan Lee's accommodation to fans despite his advanced age of ninety one.

Comic Book also asked Jason his favorite episodes in the "Power Ranger Series." He replied that Dino Thunder and Fighting Spirit are his favorites because he fights the previous incarnations of Power Rangers.

"The Power Ranger Reboot" was first announced by Saban Brand and Lionsgate's collaboration to make the film for the big screen. So far, there is no actual information being released with regards to the story plot or the cast for this upcoming movie. The original film was first release in 1995 which was known back then as "Mighty Morphin" Power Rangers the Movie. There is an ongoing speculation whethe the film will target the younger or the older audience.

Saban Brand's announcement made mentioned of Lionsgate's other movies releases such as Twilight, Hunger Games and Divergent. It can be safely speculated that Saban and Lionsgate will produce a Power Ranger Reboot film that will target the young adult market.

It is also rumored that Liam Hemsworth may appear as the Red Ranger in this upcoming Power Ranger Reboot film.

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