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Television Vs Internet; In The Fast Evolution Of Technology, Internet Is The Newest Platform To Advertise, Television Fell A Few Steps Down, Which Is Better For Advertising?

Nov 09, 2014 10:50 PM EST | By Gem C

The study provided differentiation on the functionality and effect of the television and the Internet as means of communicating advertising messages to the consumer population by comparing the television and the Internet as contemporary channels of advertising.

It was found out that (1) the television has relatively more viewers compared to users of the Internet, (2) the television is relatively more accessible compared to the Internet in terms of commercial advertisements, (3) advertisements in the Internet are relatively less persuasive compared to the television commercials, (4) television advertisements are more attractive compared to Internet advertisements, (5) Internet advertisements are relatively more informative, (6) television advertisements are clearer compared to Internet advertisements, (7) the Internet is relatively more efficient compared to the television as an advertising medium, (8) television commercials as more creative compared to the advertisements in the Internet, (9) the respondents agreed on the innovativeness of the Internet compared to the television, and (10) the difference between the television and the Internet in terms of overall appeal of their advertising messages only differed slightly

Every business person is determined to know what kind of work they would and would not do for their customers and, in turn, they carefully learn how to fulfill the needs of each kind of customer in their target markets.


Before the inception of the Internet, marketing is utilized with the use of traditional media such as print, television, and radio. However, the a shift in the marketing approaches emerged due to the demands in providing flexible specialization, strategic alliances, outsourcing and project teams wherein the key requirements are centered on quality, speed-to-market, innovation, networks, customer service and customization.  In this new business environment, traditional economy has been replaced by modern ways of marketing and management distinct from the conventional model in terms of effective use of information, the implementation of global concepts, and the creation of networks among economic agents highlighting the importance of technological knowledge, global scale business orientation, and interaction among various business networks

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