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Watch! 'Outlander' Deleted Scene Features Jamie And Claire Argue: Season 2 Air Date Still Unknown

Oct 27, 2015 02:29 PM EDT | By Rolly Gacelo

"Outlander" season 2 air date is yet to be revealed but fans who are having Jamie and Claire withdrawal can turn to this newly-released clip featuring the two lead characters.

In this exclusive clip from Digital Spy, Jamie and Claire are having a little talk about who to trust and ended up giving up each other a smooch. The video is just one of many moments where the two learn to be always with each other despite all the trial they went through.

When "Outlander" season 2 air date arrives, things will not exactly get better for the couple. Captain Black Jack (Tobias Menzies) may be dead but that does not mean Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire (Caitriona Balfe) will get a rest. They traveled to France at the end of first season's finale and there, they will meet new and more powerful people.

Sam Heughan said, his character is up for a political mission while he and Claire dangle on personal problems. He also said "Outlander" season 2 will be divided into two.

"There are two parts of the second book," Heughan told Variety.

"The first half is in France and the second half is in Scotland, and I think that's what our show's gonna be. I can't wait to return to Scotland to that safety and comfort of that country, and Jamie's gonna feel the same thing. France is incredible, but the build-up to Culloden is the reason they're in France, to stop this terrible thing happening, and they know from history that it's a terrible tragedy for the Highland culture so... It's also not been filmed for a long time, so the fact that we're getting to portray this historical moment is terrific. I believe there's another film that's going to beat us to it, which I'm quite upset about."

In separate interview, Heughan said his character hasn't fully recovered from abuse in Jack's hands but he and Claire do everything they can for each other.

"Jamie's thrown himself into it wholeheartedly," Heughan said in an interview with Blastr.

"He's in it, but he's not relishing it at all. We see them slowly get better at [playing the game] and learn they can undercut people and be quite political themselves. Publicly he's a good businessman and very charming, but in those late nights with Claire we see the mask come off. They are bonded mostly by their child, and it carries them through."

Executive producer Ronald Moore said in his Twitter that "Outlander" season 2 air date will be around March or April next year.

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