
How to Create a Landing Page That Converts?

Mar 09, 2022 02:08 PM EST | By David Thompson

How to Create a Landing Page That Converts?

(Photo : Austin Distel via Unsplash)

A good landing page is an essential part of the buyer's journey. Its goal is to invite visitors to leave their personal information on the website and take action - subscribe, buy, or simply receive occasional emails regarding the company's new products, discounts, or events.

Creating an attractive landing page requires some time and effort, but once it's made, you can expect some great results in the long run. While many factors impact the landing page's success, there are two main things to keep in mind - being persuasive and offering engaging content. That way, a landing page becomes a rich source of conversions.

In this post, we'll cover the 5 most important factors in landing page creation, including the best tips for building a strong online presence by leveraging conversions. Stay tuned!

Why Is It Important to Have a Good Landing Page?

A landing page plays a vital role in your online business's success as it attracts more potential clients and takes your marketing practices to the next level. In addition, a well-optimized landing page is more likely to convert. In fact, conversion rates may increase by 85% when using an optimized landing page.

By using a well-optimized landing page for every marketing campaign, you're more likely to boost conversion rates and attract more clients to check out your products or services. Unfortunately, companies often skip this step since they believe that it takes up a lot of time and effort. However, a good landing page builder and a proper organization can make that process a lot easier and more efficient.

Creating a good landing page can be quicker and more efficient if you're doing it with your team of experts. Besides applying the best landing page practices and optimizing it to the fullest, you shouldn't forget the security part. Use the best password managers to share your sensitive passwords safely with your teams and reduce the risk of misuse and other issues that could affect your website data protection. This is especially important if you outsource your digital tasks to other companies or individuals, who must have access to your landing page's settings in order to get the job done. Choose among a broad range of affordable or free solutions, and select a feature-rich tool to store, share, and manage your passwords with peace of mind.

Now that you understand the importance of having a highly-optimized landing page, it's time to go through the best practices for creating one. Are you ready to learn how to attract your target audience and boost your conversions?

1. Focus on Attractive CTAs

Call-to-action (CTA) is one of the most important elements of an optimized landing page. It often comes in the form of a button the visitor clicks in order to take action (buy, subscribe, etc.), and that's why it should stand out from the rest of the content.

One of the most common mistakes marketers make is putting several CTAs within a landing page. While it seems like a good move, it often confuses the visitor, who's not sure where to click. As a result, conversion rates may decrease.

A high-converting landing page should have a single CTA that stands out - that said, it's essential to place it at the top of your page so that it's visible to the users who have just landed on your webpage.

2. Write a Short Yet Compelling Copy

Content is another essential aspect of a high-converting landing page. It should be written following your company's voice, focusing on your offer and the benefits of choosing it. According to experts, the copy shouldn't be too long - instead, try to write a brief yet attractive text that won't bore your readers but reveal to them the key aspects of your offer. That way, they'll be more likely to convert.

Also, don't forget to add a relevant and SEO-optimized header that aligns with your copy. That way, both readers and search engines will know what your content is about and what the users can expect to see once they click the ad.

3. Ensure Your Contact Forms are Short

You need a landing page to collect the user's key information. That said, you're not interested in their personality traits or things about themselves they're not willing to share. For that reason, it's essential to keep your contact forms as short as possible and ask for the visitor's name, email address, company info, and what service they might be interested in (if you offer several products/services).

According to recent studies, landing pages with shorter contact forms foster more conversions than those that ask too much. After all, long forms can be too boring and time-consuming for a busy customer in the modern era.

4. Make Sure Your Grammar and Spelling are Impeccable

Yes, grammar and spelling matter. Typos and grammatical errors repel your potential client as they bring your company's credibility and trustworthiness into question. For that reason, double-check your ad copy before you launch it and correct any mistake that could affect your content quality. Thanks to a broad range of available tools, the entire process is much easier.

Besides, landing pages with error-free copies are more likely to convert. Keep that in mind next time you decide to publish your ad without previous inspection.

5. Use Social Media to Promote Your Landing Page

It's vital to be where your customers are. In the modern era, it means social media. Social media channels are an excellent place to promote your website content, including landing pages. Besides, social channels like Meta (Facebook and Instagram) or LinkedIn offer great social media advertising options to extend your reach and put your product ads in front of the right audience.

Leveraging social media is one of the best ways to promote your landing page content, increase your brand visibility, and boost your conversion rate. So, start your social media campaign soon after you've created and launched your landing page - besides fostering conversions, you can also gain more followers and engage with your audience.


All the tips we mentioned in this article focus on one thing - convince people to take the desired action once they enter your webpage. Still, don't feel bad if the results don't come immediately. Building an ideal, high-converting landing page takes time, and its design and characteristics depend mostly on your target audience. So, try different techniques and test their efficiency - eventually, you'll find the key to successful lead generation.

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