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Hilary Duff Lizzy McGuire Latest News: Lizzy McGuire Reunion In The Works; See What Hilary Had To Say About It!

Oct 01, 2014 10:38 PM EDT | By Cindy Wallace

News about a possible Hilary Duff Lizzy Mcguire Reunion has fans ecstatic.

According to an excerpt from Duff's interview with Huffington Post:

"Huffington: Would you be interested in doing a "Lizzie McGuire" reunion? 

Hillary: Would you pay money for that?

Huffington: In a heartbeat.

Hillary: [Laughs.] I love it! I would be totally open to it. My schedule is a little busy right now. But um ... why not?

I mean, so many people loved her. I loved her. Honestly, working on that show, I got so strong with my physical comedy and all the things that they would throw at me. I got covered in goo every week, and I got, like, smashed in the face with a locker every single week. And all this, I mean it was a really, really fun show. And obviously people really loved her. Maybe a 'Lizzie: Where Are You Now?' like 10 years later.

Huffington: Team Gordo or Team Ethan?

Hillary: Lizzie always chooses the right way. Personally? Ethan!

No, no, I'm just kidding. I always choose the good guy.

Huffington: Are you sure?

Hillary: Yeah, the naughty side of me wants to be like, "The hot guy," but then I always choose the good guy.

Huffington: Why wasn't Miranda in "The Lizzie McGuire Movie"?

Hillary: Oh my gosh, I love how this is just flashback "Lizzie McGuire" stuff. You know what, I don't really know, but she was definitely missed.

I think we should just start over, and you should come in here, and I should just put a bunch of butterfly clips in my hair and wear like mismatching jeans and top."

The possibility of a hilary Duff Lizzy Mcguire reunion has definitely sparked after the interview above, and fans and the audience have been quick to speculate about certain factors involving the hit TV series. 

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