Go 'Incognito' with Cloak: Avoid Friends with iOS Antisocial Network App

By Peter R | Mar 18, 2014 07:49 PM EDT

If you dread bumping into someone unpleasant simply turn on Cloak and avoid them.

"Cloak scrapes Instagram and Foursquare to let you know where all your friends, "friends," and nonfriends are at all times so you never have to run into that special someone. Think of it as the antisocial network," reads the app's description on developer Chris Baker's website. Baker developed the app with Brian Moore.

According to Yahoo, the geographic data gathered by Cloak allows you to "flag" friends on Foursquare or Instagram to avoid them. Every time the person comes within the alert distance, you will be informed.

The app is now currently only available for iOS but the developers say they would expand its availability depending on user feedback.  "Right now we're just focusing on iOS. If the app proves to be a hit with users, of course we'll expand the idea," stated the developers, according to Time.

Cloak presents a map with images and locations of your friends from their Foursquare and Instagram accounts. Twitter location data is not used as it most users have it turned off and according to the developer, the data is vague. However it was reported the developers plan to use Facebook data.

"Facebook has good data, but a lot of it" and pointed out that a lot of people you're connected to on Facebook, like friends from high school, probably aren't near you at any given time," the developers said, according to Time. "But we're going to be thinking about how to include this soon, as well as other networks, of course."

In a statement to The Washington Post, Baker said, "Personally, I think we've seen the crest of the big social network. Things like Twitter and Facebook are packed elevators where we're all crammed in together. I think anti-social stuff is on the rise. You'll be seeing more and more of these types of projects."

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