Steps to a Successful Commercial Building Construction

By Ernest Hamilton | Dec 02, 2020 09:42 PM EST

The first thing one tends to picturise when thinking of an urban landscape is the several buildings, commercial sites and skyscrapers of a city. Construction is synonymous with urban development. Everything from new landscape designs, renovations, remodels and building works can all come under the umbrella term construction.

But there is a specific type of construction that drives the economy of the neighborhood and they are rightly called commercial construction. Commercial construction can include office spaces, manufacturing plants, industrial complexes, medical centers, shopping centers, and more in varying sizes and scope. Here is a brief rundown on the important aspects of a commercial building construction.

Building Site Location

Before there is even a construction idea,  there will be a building site. The site location, proximity to raw materials, geography, climate, populations, connection and access to utilities, environmental factors, the available cost, and time frame are important aspects of selecting a building site.

The site location, climate and other qualities will play an important role in the strength and stability of the building.

Every construction starts with a site survey to see if it will fit the purpose of the building. Then the builders will have to work through the feasibility of constructing the building on the site and work out all the legal aspects of the construction.

Commercial Building Design Plans

While commercial construction has a wide range of projects, the most common commercial projects include:

  • Restaurants

  • Medical centers

  • Grocery and retail stores

  • Shopping malls

  • Accommodation (Hotels, lodges, service apartments)

  • Industrial buildings like factories, warehouses.

  • Sports centers

  • Educational institutions like schools, colleges, and so on.

Depending on the project, the building design will vary to a significant degree. Besides the project type, factors like the scale of the building and the availability of resources will also have a say in the final design plan.

Regular maintenance and upkeep like painting, flooring upgrades, and more can also fall into construction projects and require careful planning and design to weaken the existing structure.

Pre Construction Requirements

The basic steps involved in building a commercial project starts with understanding and gathering the pre-construction requirements. Wondering how to choose a commercial contractor? Have a look at the checklist below and choose a contractor who ticks the most boxes.

Site Planning And Design

Planning involves developing the building plan, planning the structural details,  assessing the available financial resources and required cost for budgeting, and selecting the construction team.

Obtaining Legal Permits

Once builders have a finalized plan and the total estimated cost, they should try to get approval from the authorities to start their project. Projects that fail to adhere to the local laws and standards may have to pay hefty penalty fees and be demolished.

Preparing The Construction Site

This is when the actual project starts going into action. The construction site will be leveled up and filled as required. The required utilities will be set up and the site's structural integrity verified through various inspections by the government authorities.

Building Material Procurement

Material procurement is an important part of the construction process planned in the early stages of the construction plan and design phase. Some ways used to make the procurement process efficient are summarised below.

  • The construction team makes estimates during the design stage to make an accurate estimate of the material cost.

  • Designers may use the help of computer applications like CAD to help get an accurate estimate.

  •  Materials are identified based on the design, and their respective quantities will be estimated. Materials will also be classified based on their use, requirements in each phase of construction, and their priority levels.

  • Locally available materials will be identified to avoid transportation costs. The team should start receiving quotes from various suppliers and choose based on other materials' quality and budget requirements.

  • A database of materials, prices, and suppliers will be established and maintained to track the procurement process.

Building Construction

Once the site is prepared and the team is authorized to go ahead with the construction, the team can hire the workers, start procuring the materials required and start with the foundation construction. The entire construction project should be managed with regular quality checks and completed within the planned schedule to be successful.

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