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Robert Downey Jr. Gets a Big A for Marvel Avengers - Aside from Big Compensation

Oct 21, 2014 11:19 PM EDT | By Adelyn Torralba

In a BBC Radio One interview, Robert Downey Jr. told his audience that he got a big "A" from Marvel. During the shooting of the Avenger's film in England, he joked that he needs the big statue of A from the movie set. He did not think that they are going to take him seriously. In the Avengers movie, viewers may recall the big STARK sign on top of the Stark Towers.

Two weeks after his remark, Downey Jr. was surprised when the big "A" was delivered on his doorstep. He said that he is going to keep the big letter.

Aside from getting "A" for his efforts in the Avengers movie, he also got a big payday for his participation. The Hollywood Reporter posted in 2012 that Robert Downey Jr. may make around $50 Million USD from the movie. Downey Jr. confirmed the figure in a GQ interview.

Marvel has announced that it has no plans to make a fourth "Iron Man" movie. Robert Downey Jr. though will once again play the role of Iron Man in the third installment of "Captain America." According to the Hollywood Reporter, Downey Jr. may probably make another $40 Million USD for his participation in "Captain America 3."

In this upcoming film, Captain America and Iron Man will be on the opposite sides with regards to the Superhero Registration Act. The United States government enacted a law requiring every superhero to reveal their identity and register. Captain America is against the law while Iron Man is in favor of it. The movie will depict the start of the civil war which will divide the Marvel superheroes. The movie will possibly depict as Iron Man as the villain. Captain America will form an underground superhero movement that will oppose the government and Iron Man's group.

It is estimated that the Iron Man Trilogy collected around $2.4 Billion USD in worldwide gross receipts. The first installment of Avengers garnered around $1.5 billion USD in gross receipts.

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