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‘Arrow' Season 3 Episode 4 Recap: What Happened To ‘The Magician’?

Oct 31, 2014 10:30 AM EDT | By Adelyn Torralba

In last week's episode of "Arrow," viewers were left with quite a cliffhanger. Nyssa had busted into Oliver's headquarters with her bow drawn and demanded to know where Sara was, of course, Oliver had to tell her what really happened.

So in tonight's episode, Oliver told Nyssa about what happened to Sara and she's clearly upset by the news. The intriguing thing is that she knows far more than she is letting on.

According to International Business Times, when Oliver learns Malcolm Merlyn is alive, he suspects Merlyn killed Sara. Oliver and Nyssa join forces and go after the Dark Archer, intent on bringing Sara's killer to justice. Laurel keeps her distance from Nyssa, as she blames her sister's death on her involvement with the League of Assassins.

Meanwhile, Oliver and Roy worked on repairing their respective relationships with Thea, who has returned home. Nyssa discusses Oliver with her father, Ra's al Ghul.

While fans have been eagerly waiting for Ra's al Ghul to appear, it looks like his daughter Nyssa will be the only person to actually interact with the League of Assassins figure head in the upcoming episode.

Also, Fan Sided commented that one of the most curious moments of the evening is that Merlyn seemed to have a bit of truth in his accusations. Ra's al Ghul never really did consider Sara as one of their own. What would stop him from lying to his daughter and massacring the woman that she loved?

According to TV Fanatic, this episode was the 50th episode of Arrow and it was marketed by many to be one of the best of the series, and, it wasn't.

They added that while all of the building blocks were present, the finished product failed to impress viewers. The lies grew even deeper in the ever dwindling Queen family and viewers got their first glimpse of Ra's al Ghul. Despite all of that, it didn't come close to besting the other 49 installments.

Most fans were really anticipating what will happen next. Are you curious too? Watch the next episode to find out. Arrow airs on Wednesday nights at 8:00 p.m. on The CW.

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