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Legalization of Motorcycle Lane Filtering in NSW Aimed at Easing Congestion

Mar 03, 2014 04:50 PM EST | By John Nassivera

New South Wales has recently legalized lane filtering for motorcyclists as a way to bring down traffic congestion.

Lane filtering is the practice in which bike-riders move between lanes of slow-moving cars, according to When a motorcyclist is filtering, they are riding on the lane line, within a lane or into the lane next to them.

NSW Transport Minister Duncan Gay stated the change was made as part of a new goal in reducing road congestion and improving safety for motorcyclists, ABC News reported.

"We held a successful trial in Sydney CBD last year of motorcyclists being exempt from existing filtering laws in an attempt to easy road congestion and measure potential safety issues for other road users," Gay said. "As a result of the trial we will introduce a new law that will permit fully licensed motorcyclists to legally filter past stationary vehicles at intersections when it is safe to do so. Riders will be able to filter at a speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour. It is important to note the new law will not apply to school zones during hours of operation where there might be an increase in pedestrian activity."

According to, the new law is designed to provide a model for other states with confusing laws for lane filtering. Christopher Burns, spokesman for the Motorcycle Council of NSW, talked about other benefits the new law provides.

"Ultimately riders are doing drivers a favor by lane filtering and reducing congestion for all," Burns said. "This also highlights the fact that the community consultation process in NSW is alive and well.

"Lane filtering also has the benefit of reducing congestion as motorcycles are not taking up the equivalent of a car space and with close to 4,000 motorcycles travelling to Sydney CBD every weekday one can easily estimate the benefits to car drivers."

Filtering around trucks and buses is still banned, according to ABC News. Motorcyclists are also prohibited from traveling left of cars in the curbside lane and traveling in breakdown lanes. There will be an offence for drivers who lane filter over the 30kph speed limit.

"Filtering at high speeds is dangerous and will increase the crash risk for motorcycle riders and other road users, particularly cyclists and pedestrians," Gay said.

"The new rule changes will give us the opportunity to communicate with riders so they better understand the risks involved with lane filtering and educate them on safe filtering practice."

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