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Someone from 'The Simpsons’ is Going to Die - Who Will it Be?

Sep 29, 2014 07:11 PM EDT | By Adelyn Torralba

Tonight on "The Simpsons," someone is about to die. Al Jean, the show's executive producer boasted to reporters that, "When we kill them, they stay dead." This means that they are really serious in killing off a character in the Simpsons.

But who would that be? No direct confirmation could be obtained from the show's producer. However, Jean has been dropping hints on the possible identity of the poor unfortunate soul.

The first hint is that the character's voice actor or actress has won an Emmy for that role. Currently six Simpsons voice actors and actresses have won an Emmy for their role.

Matt Selman, the Simpson's co-executive producer told reporters that they had already informed the actor, who's playing that role, of his or her fate.

When asked if the one who will die is an iconic character in the Simpsons, Jean said no. She further elaborates, "I'd like to say it's a great character, but I never used the word iconic." Another reporter asked if religion will be involved, the answer was yes.

The hints dropped by the people behind the Simpsons seem to indicate that none of the major characters will die this Sunday night. But then again this might be a ploy by the executive producers to mislead the viewing public on who is really going to die.

The title of the "Simpsons" show this Sunday is "Clown in the Dumps". In this episode Krusty the Clown will retire after being slighted on Cable television. Krusty's father Rabbi Krustofski will make an appearance to reconcile with his son.

Rabbi Krustofski is voiced by Jackie Mason. He won an Emmy for playing the Rabbi role. It is the only character that Jackie Mason plays. Since he is a Rabbi, this means that religion is involved. The photo and video preview of this Sunday's Simpson shows a sad Krusty the Clown, indicating a certain sad event in his life will take place. Watch the Simpsons tonight to find out if it is indeed the Rabbi.

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