Franchise News

‘Left Behind’ 2014 – A Review Of This Rupture Themed Movie

Oct 14, 2014 12:06 AM EDT | By Adelyn Torralba

Left Behind is a movie that focuses on the survivors of Rupture. Around the world millions of people instantly vanished that terrified the people left behind. Chaos ensued quickly afterwards. Mass hysteria grip the populace as many started rioting and looting fearing the fate they are about to face.

Rayford Steele (played by Nicolas Cage) is an airplane pilot who can barely control his plane and the passengers, after his co-pilot and several of the passengers vanish. To make matters worse he is having trouble communicating with ground control and the plane is running out of fuel. Cameron "Buck" Williams (Chad Michael Murray), a GWN reporter helps Steele fly the plane.

Steele's daughter Chloe Steele (played by Cassi Thomson) must somehow find her mother and younger brother amid the chaos and violence.

The movie was shown last October 3 this year. Movie Critic website Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 2 percent on their Tomato meter. Interestingly, The Blaze reported that 7,000 out of 10,000 people who watch "Left Behind" in theaters liked the movie. It seems that the audience and critics at Rotten Tomatoes have a different opinion about this remake movie of "Left Behind."

Another movie critic, Fandango gave it four stars out of five based on a survey of 1,200 people. IMDb however, gave it only a score of 3.9 out of 10 based 1.419 people.

Producer and Writer Paul Lalonde said that most of those who watch the film "Left Behind" likes the movie and he added that most Christian watchers did not like the movie since it deviated from the book, in which the movie is based upon. Although "Left Behind" is about a biblical event, there is little reference to the bible in the movie.

Lalonde defended the movie by saying that they had to keep a very strong biblical theme in the movie while at the same time it must have enough appeal to the secular audience.

"Left Behind" is a movie that critics love to hate. That is not the case with many of the audience who watch and like the film.

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