'Revenge' Season 4 Episode Guide: Ninjas To Appear, David's Feelings For Victoria Still Alive; Find Out More Here

By Evelyn Hammond | Jan 18, 2015 05:15 AM EST

Recent "Revenge" Season 4 episode guide featured Emily VanCamp's Emily Thorne and Madeleine Stowe's Victoria Grayson inside a cage. As you can recall from the last episode titled "Madness," the new big bad Malcolm Black (Tommy Flanagan) traced the two important women in the life of David Clarke (James Tupper) as he finds answer to the disappearance of his missing daughter Kate who was killed in the mid-season finale. Black even beat Emily to prove that he is serious with his agenda.

One question for the next episode is, will Emily and Victoria work together? Well, there is a possibility. One thing for sure though is that David Clarke won't let anything happen to her daughter. They had the chance to be together again and he won't let anyone take away that again, even the man who controlled him in the past 10 years.

Rescuing them will be hard though. Malcolm Black is ruthless and always one step ahead. How David would do it? As for Tupper, there will be ninjas in the next episode. Yes, you read that right, there will be ninjas. In "Revenge" Season 4 Episode Guide from Entertainment Weekly, the 49-year old actor was quoted as saying that David Clarke will rely to ninjas of some sort.

"The furnace of hell has been lit," said Tupper during an interview with EW.

"I'm not going to let someone take my daughter away from me. I'm on the revenge path. It's a really fun episode. We have so much fun doing social gatherings, but the other thing is sometimes it becomes this ninja show. We lean heavily into the ninja in the next episode."

Although David already confessed to Emily that she still wants to kill Victoria, the woman who betrayed him and made him spent almost a decade behind bars, looks like that won't happen just yet. In the same "Revenge" Season 4 Episode Guide, Tupper said there's a chance forgiveness might be granted.

"She was always the love of his life all those years in prison, so to discover the truth of it, we just parted ways, though the door is still open for something possibly to happen," he said.

For more "Revenge" Season 4 episode guide, spoiler, etc., click here.

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