'The Flash' Episode Guide: More Secrets And Twists Regarding Reverse Flash-Eobard Thawne?

By Evelyn Hammond | Apr 03, 2015 09:36 AM EDT

CW TV series "The Flash" again offered another heart-wrenching, mind-twisting episode.

Just when fans thought they are already sure about the identity of Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) another twist came up. This week's episode titled "Trickster" do not just pertain to the show's new villain played by geeks' god Mark Hamill ("Star Wars" and the Joker).

It also describes how other storylines in the show shocked fans. With what happened the last time, the best "The Flash" episode guide fans can have right now is, "expect the unexpected."

(Spoilers ahead)

As the audience probably know by now, the Dr. Harrison Wells of today is not the same Harrison Wells of the past. He is Eobard Thawne but it is not his own body.

Simply put, Wells' body was usurped by the real Reverse Flash from the future (played by Matt Letscher) because the latter badly needs the doctor's science knowledge to complete his plan against the Scarlet Speedster.

This is not the last that time people will see Letscher. His Reverse Flash will return and according to the latest "The Flash" episode guide, there will be more huge revelations about him.

"Andrew has been very clear that he doesn't want him to be just a psychopath. There is something more to him," Letscher told the Entertainment Weekly when asked for more "The Flash" episode guide regarding his character.

Adding, "Some of that is to be revealed. All I know is the circumstances I was given in this episode, which was he needs to get back to where he came from and the only way to do it is this. Clearly, the man has some sociopathic tendencies. How deeply rooted those are, his reasons for taking the actions he does take, I think that's going to be revealed more as we go along."

The CW superhero show will return next titled "All-Star Team Up."

Read the full "The Flash" episode guide by clicking this link.

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