Manchester United's Number One Fan? This Could Be The Most Ridiculous Thing A Sports Fan Can Do!

By Staff Reporter | Aug 22, 2014 10:22 AM EDT

To what extent would you go to show your love for your favorite sports club? Well, a man from
Bulgaria just did the unthinkable for his favorite football club Manchester United of the English
Premier League.

Zdravkov Levidzhov, 50, has committed his whole life to the English club by changing his name to
Manchester Zdravkov Levidzhov­United. His nickname is, surprise, surprise, Manchester United.
He also tattooed a Man Utd logo on his forehead which he says is his ID.

"People don't look at me in a funny way, they look in admiration."
According to Levidzhov, err, Manchester United, his plan of changing his name started 15 years
ago. In an interview wit the Sun, he said that he thought about it after the team's 1999 Champions

League victory over German powerhouse Bayern Munich. He went to see a lawyer the morning
after and his wish was granted. However, the lawyer only allowed him to use Manchester as his
first name. It took him 15 years to finally complete his tribute.

In another interview with the Manchester Evening New earlier this year, he invested on his name
change by saving some from his €20­a­day job as a construction worker for three years. He also
changed his religion from Cathlolic to Bulgarian Orthodox Church to make it possible for him to
change his name.

Levidzhov is showing no signs or shades of regret over his tattoo and new name. In fact, he is
even thinking that if he ever had children, he would name them after the famous English football

"Now, whenever someone asks my name, I point to my forehead and smile. It makes me stand out
and proves my loyalty to United," 
he added.

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