Effective Breastfeeding Tips To Produce More Milk Naturally

By Jacqueline Tan | Sep 09, 2014 11:11 AM EDT

It's an age old dilemma for most new mothers - "My baby is not getting enough!" or "My baby is still hungry!" or "I don't want my baby to drink formula!"

To put it simply, the question mothers should be asking is "How do I increase my milk supply?"

It is a good time to ask this question a few months before you give birth. It is best to prepare for what problems might arise before the baby comes in. We all want the best for our children and what could be better than giving them the nutrients they need through our own milk supply? But with all the stress and lack of sleep, some mothers get less supply of milk for their babies. In turn, this makes us worry more if our child has enough to eat every feeding.

Breastfeeding is strongly recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologiststs. It provides the perfect balance of vitamins, protein and fat that babies need for them to grow. It helps the baby buid their immune system to fight off infections, certain illnesses and diarrhea. According to doctors, babies who were breastfeed at the age of zero to six have been linked to higher IQs in early childhood and also plays a role in the prevention of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrme). Most doctors recommend that infants get at least six months of breastmilk before they switch to baby formula.

One of the most important things after childbirth is feeding your baby the first milk that you have produced. This milk contains colostrum, which is full of antibodies and immunoglobins that protect newborns againsta viruses and bacteria.

There are natural ways of increasing your milk supply. Eating oatmeal everyday is known to increase your milk flow. Mothers should also eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and drinking lots of liquid. You should always remember that your milk supply is also linked to stress. Mothers should find time to relax and try to get as much sleep as possible when their baby is also asleep. You can also take natural supplements like Fenugreek capsules. Fenugreek is a spice that was used since ancient times to stimulate milk flow.

Another way of increasing your milk flow is to breastfeed or pump regularly. The more you pump, the more milk your breasts will produce. Try pumping every two to three hours around 10-15 minutes per breast. It is essential that you empty each breast after feeding to ensure you are getting both the foremilk and the hindmilk.

Always remember that breastfeeding is a labor of love and it's one of the best gifts that you can give to your baby.

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