Experiencing Daytime Sleepiness? Here Are Possible Treatment Tips To Help You Stay Awake

By Jacqueline Tan | Sep 11, 2014 10:29 PM EDT

Fifteen minutes have passed and you're still on the second page of the report you are supposed to read. Deadline is in a couple of hours and you still have a lot of reading to do. Aside from that, the lazy sun seems to shine so brightly outside and everyone in your office is sitting quietly at their seats minding their own business. The only sounds that you hear are the typing noises form your colleague's keyboard and the constant ringing of your secretary's phone. Your eyes are getting heavy and your back is slowly slouching. You're thinking of napping for just a few minutes but you're afraid your boss might see you. What do you do?

To help you combat your ever-so-sleepy eyes and zombie-like body, here are some tricks that you can do that will surely energize you:

Get up your chair and stretch. A little bit of movement can improve blood flow which can wake you up. Then try to walk around for bit just to distract yourself. A bit of "you" time can actually make you more productive.

Drink a cup or two of caffeine-loaded drinks like coffee of hot chocolate. Not a coffee drinker? You can also try smelling coffee beans as studies have shown it can also make you awake.

To avoid getting into this scenario again, make sure you avoid overeating as it will make you sleepier. Try to get a full 8 hours of sleep per day and make it a routine. Your body clock will adjust to the schedule that you're giving it. You should also exercise even for just 10 minutes every morning before going to work. This will reenergize your whole body keeping you awake during the day. Remember that maintaining this lifestyle can help you become more productive in work and in life.

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