Building Your Social Media Strategy to Kick off the New Decade

By Staff Reporter | Feb 06, 2020 10:49 AM EST

Social media platforms have increased and new ones continue to be created. A few years ago, all you had to be concerned about was Facebook and maybe Twitter. Now you have Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ and so many others including the newest kid on the block; TikTok.

It can all be overwhelming as you have to figure out audiences and other pertinent issues. Social media has more twists and turns than ever before. Since the channels are numerous, you have to think about which channels are right for you.

Ultimately, you need to figure out a social media marketing strategy to get your new decade started off right. This guide is meant to help you navigate social media successfully by creating a great strategy.

How to Create Your Strategy       

A crisp strategy is one that has measurable goals and has the often lauded sense of purpose. In other words, it is clear about objectives and goals and there is a plan on how to achieve them. Here is a simple guide to help you with your strategy.

1.    Set Goals That Are Tailor-Made for Your Brand

Your social media presence will not mean much if you have no idea why you are on it, to begin with. Do you want to attract new customers? Are you looking to up your profits? In short, what do you hope social media will do for your brand?

Your goals must be realistic and achievable. For instance, you may plan to do the following:

·      Give Your Brand Added Exposure

To get your brand noticed and taken seriously, don't just publish promotional messages. Create great content and let your potential customers see beyond the sales pitch. Allow them a glimpse into your personality as well as your core values.

People do not appreciate feeling badgered to buy something. They prefer being shown why they need your brand and how it can solve their problems.

·      Engender Leads and Sales

If your followers are not aware that you are selling, they will not buy. Also, people tend to take notice if you put the message across succinctly. You must therefore constantly alert your followers about new products, offers as well as promotions.

·      Grow a Following for Your Brand

If you are an avid social media user, you will have realised that the most successful brands have a large following. Work on introducing your brand to more people; including those who may be hearing about it for the first time.

Start or join conversations centred on your brand and educate your audience. In order to discover these conversations, create hashtags and keywords that will lead you to them.

·      Boost Your Web Traffic

Naturally, you will have built an amazing website for your product. The easiest way to direct traffic to your site these days is via social media. Simply put, create meaningful content, promotional posts or social adverts on your site. Then, share your URL to your social media platforms.

Also, your choice of platforms to share your content matters a lot. Your target audience will lead you to the right channels. If your brand is for a general audience, then ant platform you target will get your message across.

2.    Research Your Potential Consumers

You cannot afford to wing it as a marketer. You have a brand and you know who will benefit the most from it. That is your target audience. Where can you find them? What social media platforms do they prefer?

There is a slew of social media analytics tools you can use that will help you access your audience. It is important that you get to the right audience because even the language you use will be user-specific.


There are myriads of social media platforms including Pinterest and YouTube. All you need is great content and a beautiful site to share with your followers. Consult experts such as Media Group who have the expertise needed to create a great marketing strategy for you.

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