Not Another UTI! Follow These 8 Habits for Better Urinary Tract Health

By David Thompson | Apr 13, 2023 11:24 AM EDT

Most people don't think too much about their urinary health unless they are having incontinence or infections. The truth is that you can easily take a proactive approach to your urinary health. Infections can be dangerous if left untreated and incontinence can be embarrassing. Here are some great ways to prevent infections and improve muscle tone to reduce incontinence issues.

Try Natural Remedies for UTIs

Many natural remedies for UTIs are simply great things to incorporate into your lifestyle anyway. Apple cider vinegar is a good option to drink daily. Not only can it reduce your risk of urinary tract infection, it can also improve your digestive health. If you are wondering how to get rid of a UTI, trying these natural remedies first can help you recover more quickly than with antibiotics alone. Cranberry juice is another great remedy that has long been used for treating urinary tract infections because of its high concentration of cranberry compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of your bladder.

Drink Water, Then Drink Some More

Flushing out the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections is a great way to improve your urinary health. Drinking water is a great way to stay hydrated and healthy. Water helps your body flush out toxins and prevent bacterial buildup, which can help prevent UTIs. Drink before, during, and after physical activity. Drink when you are thirsty and with your meals.

Change Your Underwear Daily

This goes for the ladies especially. Warm moist air trapped against your privates can lead to bacterial growth that can get into your urinary tract. This makes you more prone to infection. Wearing cotton underwear and changing it every day can help reduce your risk of getting a UTI. You also want to avoid underwear and products with toxins that can irritate your skin.

Eat Less Sugar

Sugar can feed bacteria and yeast, which can cause UTIs. Cutting out foods with sugar is especially helpful in giving you good urinary health. Sugar causes inflammation in your body which can trap bacteria. Yeast and bacteria also eat sugar and that causes them to grow more quickly.

Watch Your Dairy Consumption

While dairy is high in protein and calcium, it can also cause inflammation. This can lead to leaky bladder issues, difficulty feeling like you need to go, and even constipation. Some people who have incontinence problems often have a problem with too much poop stuck in the intestines. Over time this causes constipation which can press against the bladder. Dairy can be very constipating for some people as well.

Do Pelvic Floor Activities

Pelvic floor exercises can help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve urinary health. These exercises include Kegel exercises that strengthen the muscles around the bladder. These are easy to do and can help tremendously if you have leaks regularly. Deep breathing is another great option for strengthening your core and helping improve the tone of your pelvic floor.  

Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine can irritate the bladder and increase the risk of UTIs. It's best to limit your caffeine or cut it out altogether if you are having issues with your bladder. Caffeine acts as a diuretic and can cause you to need to pee more often, but it can also lead to dehydration which can cause problems as well. Start by cutting your coffee intake in half first to see if it makes a difference. It's likely you can still enjoy a cup or two a day, but you may want to rethink drinking a gallon.

Take Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an age-old remedy for many ailments, including UTIs. But drinking it daily offers more benefits than that. Add this to your diet to reduce your reflux and to improve your overall intestinal and urinary health.


It's not hard to have good urinary health. And the great thing is that these simple ideas can help you with all sorts of issues. From improving your hair health, getting better skin, and improving digestion, what's good for your urinary tract appears to be good for everything. Of course, if you have issues that won't go away on their own, you can easily get help from your healthcare provider. You may need allergy tests, physical therapy, antibiotics, or something that you haven't thought about. Urinary health is important for your overall health. And with the right habits, you may be able to avoid issues altogether.

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