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Meet The Stylish CNN Weather Anchor Pedram Javaheri, See Some Of His Gentleman Fashion

Jul 10, 2015 11:17 AM EDT | By Jon Lindley Agustin

Wait until CNN weather anchor Pedram Javaheri shows off his style on screen as he proves male news anchors that appearing in formal wear every day is not the end to being fashionable.

This 32-year-old CNN weather anchor is only given fewer airtime every week than many of the news channel's anchors but when he does his reports, he makes sure to fascinate viewers with his gentleman style, perfect color matching and printed necktie finds many journalists have missed.

The photo below shows Pedram Javaheri juggling some fruits in the local orchard. People juggling fruits are often seen but someone doing it in stylish clothes is a rare thing, and the CNN weather anchor does this while not in the newsroom.

In one of his reports last March, he was seen donning a classic white long-sleeve polo paired with a nice vest that matched his trousers – something that is uncommon to see on anchors who are usually in coat and tie. But he wore it so stylish viewers were drawn to listen to Science-related topics that are typically "geeky."

He is also often seen wearing the striking shades of blue, either with his polo, coat, pants or tie. This photo of him on "Morning Express" showed him dressed down compared to his other appearances, but despite toning down on style, his fashionable side still prevailed.

CNN weather anchor Pedram Javaheri is a meteorologist and a member of the American Meteorological Society and the National Weather Association. His profile on the CNN website said his stint with the news organization gives him the opportunity to cover the world's biggest disasters such as the 2011 tsunami off the coast of Japan.

He is also an Emmy nominee. Before he joined CNN in 2010, he was nominated for a regional Emmy for outstanding achievement in weather reporting, his profile added. This CNN weather anchor was born in Iran to Turkish-Iranian parents and moved to the US when he was 10 years old. He is a trilingual, fluent in Farsi, Turkish and English.

A poll by information website on personalities VIP FAQ once asked visitors if Pedram Javaheri is "hot" or "not." Not surprising, the website said 91 percent of the voters think that he is hot. His hotness is contributing to "global warming" too much.

Now that you have met the stylish CNN weather man, the next question you might have in mind is whether he is still single or not. Sadly, he is already married.

Another profile posted on said he always keeps his personal life away from his on-screen appearances, but he is married to a woman named Kimberly Hardman. He lives in Atlanta with Kimberly and their two sons. He also enjoys the outdoors.

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