[Video] The Jimmy Fallon-Nicole Kidman Story Ain’t Over: Kidman Writes A ‘Secret Note’ To ‘The Tonight Show’ Host In ‘Vogue’ 73 Questions

By Joanna Garado | Aug 14, 2015 08:54 PM EDT

A few months ago, Jimmy Fallon and Nicole Kidman became a trending topic after the Oscar-winning actress admitted to have had feelings for "The Tonight Show" host a few years ago.

But the story doesn't end there!

During a "Vogue" 73 Questions interview, Jimmy Fallon became the receiver of Nicole Kidman's secret note written on a post card.

"Can you please take this postcard and write down a secret to someone special?" the interviewer asked Kidman, pulling out a Kangaroo postcard.

By the end of interview, when the interviewer asked Kidman who the secret note was for, she said: "Jimmy Fallon."

A few months ago, Nicole Kidman admitted she liked Jimmy Fallon back in 2002.

"I liked you. Not now. I'm married now," Kidman said. "You wouldn't talk, you wouldn't say anything."

Shocked, Jimmy Fallon admitted he had no idea.

"After about an hour and a half, I thought, he has no interest. This is so embarrassing. Then I was like, maybe he's gay," Kidman said.

Now, Kidman is married to Keith Urban and declaring she is his "biggest fan," despite rumors that their marriage is crumbling.

TheVogue interviewer burned through 73 questions as Kidman takes the audience on a tour of her beautiful Australian farm, walking room after room, out into a dirt road, into a beautiful cottage and showing her black angus cows on vast piece of farm land.

Asked what's the best thing about motherhood, Kidman said: "Everything. The love, the joy, the purpose."

She also revealed the hardest part about being a mother.

"Knowing I won't be here forever so I won't always be able to take care of them," the actress said.

Kidman also answered simple questions like "What's your favorite curse word?" (Answer: Sh*t), "Favorite TV show of all time" (Answer: "Bewitched) and "One movie role you would die to play?" (Answer: The Wicked Witch of The West in the remake of "The Wizard Of Oz.")

Nearing the end of the 73 questions, Kidman's tone got more serious when asked how she has been feeling lately.

"Honestly?" the actress paused. "Pretty raw. Been through a lot."

As though speaking of her reportedly rocky marriage, when the interviewer asked: "What was the biggest learning experience you ever had?," she answered "being in love."

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