Tips for Effective SEO

By Staff Reporter | Jul 27, 2020 09:43 AM EDT

When an internet user enters a word or phrase into their search engine, they are looking for a product or answer to a question. The search engines determine in what order websites appear in on the search results, and you want your site to be as near to the top of the list as possible. This is what search engine optimisation (SEO) is all about - ensuring your product or service is not hidden away among the many thousands of results they will be given.

Good SEO aims to increase the quality and quality of traffic to your site, hopefully leading to increased sales and a more profitable business. Here is what you need.

Good Website

For any SEO strategy to work, you must have a good website to start with. This means that it needs to load quickly as consumers are impatient. They have become used to sites that load almost instantly, and if yours do not, they will not bother to hang around. Your website should also be attractive to the eye. It is estimated that you only have 4 seconds to hold someone's attention and that if you can keep them on your site for 10 seconds or longer, you are doing well. Time spent is just one of the things that will affect your ranking in search engine results.

Great Content

The content of your site is so important, which is why many businesses use a professional SEO agency, such as PWD in Western Australia. They are specialists in the area of content and all other forms of SEO and will know how to ensure that your content is good enough, up to date, and visually attractive enough to connect with the audience you are after. They will often use written content, images, and videos to create SEO that the likes of Google and Bing will love, as well as being able to help you with all other areas concerning your website.

Use Links

You can connect with other trustworthy sites and make links between you both. This can be a great way for both of you to get more traffic of the type you are after.

Use the Power of Social Media

Search engines love social media and will collect information from your business pages and when people link to your website from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other platform. Social media is a brilliant marketing tool that is inexpensive and effective, as long as you devote the time to it that is needed for it to be successful.

Always link your posts to your website, and make sure your responses to comments are positive even if someone is complaining, as this will help to build trust in your brand.

Be Better Than Your Rivals

There are numerous ways to improve the SEO of your site to ensure traffic reaches you and not your rivals. However, it is vitally important that you realise that SEO has to be handled regularly and always be up to scratch, or it will not work effectively. It is said that most people who search only ever look at the first two pages of results, so you want your website to be there somewhere. Expertise and experience in these matters is often the answer, and you will find that what the professionals cost you is more than returned in the extra business they will help you create.

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