How To Maintain Your Priorities As A CEO

By David Thompson | Sep 29, 2021 06:40 PM EDT

Are you the CEO or owner of your own business? Congrats, this is not an easy feat! It takes a lot of hard work to manage or own a business practice and lead all the major decisions. Sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in work and all the things that need to be done for the company. It can bleed into your own weekend and personal life because your mind is on all the tasks and employees. 

You probably still want to travel and relax while keeping up with all the needs of the business. There are ways you can work while also taking the necessary time off and optimizing the business without you there. We are here to give you a few tips on how to do that. 

Pass The Baton

Understandably, it can be difficult to delegate tasks to others. Maybe you are worried that they won't get the task done correctly or you feel worried they can't take on any more. However, it is extremely critical that you do this when you are feeling overwhelmed. As a CEO, you already have enough on your plate and you do not need more things to manage. 

If you can, dedicate time to teach them something they can add to their workday over yours. If you have the time, schedule individual meetings with these people to ensure that they know what you want to be done and how to do it. You should run them through the appropriate resources and make them feel comfortable with the tasks at hand. The last thing you want is a stressed-out employee who does not know what they're doing! Don't be afraid to pass the baton! 

Hire People For The Support You Need 

For issues such as IT, marketing, and law, you should leave it up to experts to handle the situation. Don't try to handle something that is outside of your job realm. The business should keep a business account that is specifically kept for all those situations. 

Managed IT is one of the best bets for IT support. You can get secure and reliable IT services without having to worry about something going wrong every single day. Additionally, a business lawyer can be very helpful for any aspects that are troublesome, just because sometimes they may come up. Overall, try to hire for the things that you can't get done yourself.

Be Strategic About Your Downtime 

You should take an adequate amount of time to get out of town and vacation. While on vacation, you'll want to be strategic about your downtime. Are you an early riser? Use this to your advantage to get work done before anyone else is up. If you're on a family vacation and you have children who take naps, use this time to make urgent phone calls or send work emails. 

Maybe you have a date night planned with your wife and she takes an hour to get ready while you only take 15 minutes. This is a perfect time to squeeze some work in while you would have already been waiting. No matter how many activities you have planned on your vacation, there are always moments of downtime. Make the most of this time, even if it's just 30 minutes or an hour. 

Plan Business Meetings Frequently 

Having monthly, if not weekly, business meetings can be super helpful to keep your team on track. You will be able to check in and see how everyone on your team is doing while also figuring out what is missing. Employees will also appreciate it and be grateful that you are an involved figure in the business. It is so important as a CEO to show your face and stay involved in your business. It will also lead to more sales and business growth. 

Remember Why You Started 

Sometimes we can lose ourselves in our work and forget why we started in the first place. Remember that you are passionate about this and try to ignite that passion when you can. Taking time off can help with this, as you need enough rest days to come back to work re-energized and happy. If the position is no longer serving you remember it is okay to step down or switch gears!

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