7 Tips for Struggling Small Business Owners

By David Thompson | Nov 04, 2021 11:08 AM EDT

Many small businesses struggle to make it through the first few years. Struggling business owners often feel like they are on a sinking ship and can't find their way out. The good news is that there are some things you can do to help with this problem. In this blog post, we will share seven tips for struggling small business owners.

1.  Be Prepared for Setbacks

If you are starting a business, you will face setbacks, so get ready for them. Humans don't like to fail, and when we do, it can be not very encouraging. When your self-confidence is shaken, remember that all great people have experienced failure in their lives. What separates them from the pack is that they regrouped and continued to work hard.

2.  Avoid Foreclosure

When you hear the word "foreclosure," what is your reaction? How does foreclosure work for individuals versus businesses? If you're like most people, you immediately think of homes. However, foreclosure can happen to any type of property, and it's not just for individuals. When a business goes into foreclosure, chances are it's headed for bankruptcy. With this in mind, struggling business owners need to plan accordingly. Know your rights and legal options before agreeing to sign any paperwork. Lawyer up if necessary; doing so will prevent an unnecessary loss of business property.

3.  Build Relationships

One of the secrets to small business success is through building relationships. When others like and respect you, they become more willing to help you in whatever way possible. The stronger your relationships with other people (customers, vendors, employees), the better your chances of success.

4.  Be Honest and Ethical

Being honest and ethical is critical if you want other people to trust you. It is impossible to make it very far in life if people don't trust you (it's like trying to run on a slippery surface). If your company gets known for being dishonest and unethical, then the word will spread quickly. This means that others are less likely to patronize you or do business with you.

You don't have to be superhuman; plan for growth. We are not saying that you should spend all your time planning and no time executing (hehe), but take some time to make sure that your company is prepared for success by planning out what you will need in the future.

5.  Cut on the Expenses

As a small business owner, it's always challenging to cut expenses without negatively affecting the quality of your products/services. However, if you are struggling, then there is no other choice. You may have to start by cutting out small things before working your way up to bigger things.

Cash flow can make or break many businesses. It's easy for cash flow problems to develop when money isn't coming in as quickly as it needs to be. You need to ensure that you conduct due diligence and follow up with customers who haven't paid yet (the squeaky wheel gets the oil). Don't let too much time pass before making them pay because this will only worsen the problem.

This could mean going out for dinner less often or buying cheaper software. The more money you save now, the more time you will have later. It's a difference between working a few more years currently and a couple more decades later.

6.  Find a Mentor

If you are struggling to make it in business, the best thing to do is find a mentor. A mentor can be anyone from your high school coach, college professor, or career counselor. The benefit of having a mentor is that they have gone through everything you are going through before and know what it takes to succeed.

One of the easiest ways to have someone guide you is to find a mentor. This could be a friend, family member, or business coach willing to listen and guide you when needed. Having someone guide you through all the obstacles will help keep you on the path toward success. This is also a great way to network and makes valuable connections.

7.  Device Better Marketing Strategies

Do you have a proven marketing strategy? You should. A good marketing strategy can be the difference between success and failure, especially in small businesses. Start by making a list of all the people you want to target with your products or services.

Try to find out what you are good at and sell it. No one wants to put work hours into something they don't feel confident about, so make sure that you sell what you know best. If you can't find anything, then maybe it's time for a change (you should consider selling your services as well).


Small businesses are the foundation of many economies. They give people jobs and help them to raise their standard of living. Having your own business can be extremely rewarding, but it won't be easy. Don't get discouraged if things don't work out how you planned right away because chances are they won't.

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