
Google Glass Bar Attack (UPDATE): San Francisco Nighttime Establishment Requests Devices Removal

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A San Francisco bar has official barred anyone from wearing Google's connected eyewear Glass device.

The nighttime establishment, The Willows' sign requests customers take off their technological devices prior to entering the bar CBS local television affiliate in San Francisco reported Tuesday.

"Our patrons have expressed concern with being recorded while enjoying themselves at the willows, kindly remove before entering," the sign said CBS in San Francisco reported Tuesday.

The posting has an image of the connected eyewear over the symbol when something is prohibited.

Sarah Slocum was at Molotov's on Haight Street in San Francisco in San Francisco Feb. 21 when a man tore the device from her face after she was demonstrating how it worked to another person. Two women approached her and then the man took the gadget from her face, along with her phone, and purse.

"OMG so you'll never believe this but... I got verbally and physically assaulted and robbed last night in the city, had things thrown at me because of some *** Google Glass haters ..." Slocum said in a post on her Facebook page.

Things turned ugly following Slocum's non-eventful demonstration of the product when other patrons became unhappy that Slocum might be recording them using the device.

Lester reportedly saw a man offend Slocum, and a man with Slocum fought back with his fists KPIX reported.

The Google Glass was found after the incident, but the phone and purse was not.

Google is busy modifying a version of Android's ice cream sandwich 4.4 KitKat operating system for use on the new technology.

Google Glass already has many features from game playing to listening to music.

Users can play tennis, a balance game which tests their ability to keep books on their head, clay shooter similar to the infamous duck hunt game, Match which evaluates how well one pairs patches with similar patterns, and Shape Splitter where shapes are broken up information on the blog said.

Google Glass music capabilities allows users to look for songs, review playlists, and hear music files in good quality sound with the device on their head.

Google users can also send friend requests to three of their close acquaintances, and listen to music.

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