
Beer Healthier Than You May Think: Prevents Blood Clots, Promotes Good Kidney Health

Nov 30, 2014 04:40 PM EST | By Staff Reporter

Beer is really healthier than one might think. Of course it has its side effects like anything else. Surprisingly, beer also has many health benefits.

Studies have found out that beer not only expands lifespan but is also very beneficial to health.

Health Benefits of Drinking Beer


Stress reduction

A beer a day keeps stress and heart attacks away. Moderate alcohol consumption can reduce stress and anxiety, known contributors of heart disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, alcohol reduces risk of dying of a heart attack and possibly reduces risk of strokes. "Moderate" is defined as up to 12 ounces per day for women and 24 ounces per day for men. Drink to that, according to

Builds a stronger skeleton

Some types of beer contain a generous amount of dietary silicon, an element that may improve bone mineral density and thereby protect against osteoporosis. To get the biggest bone-boosting bang for your buck, select brews containing high levels of malted barley and hops-these varieties are richer in silicon, researchers at University of California-Davis discovered. Indian Pale Ales boast the most silicon, with an average of 41.2 mg/L, according to

Prevents blood clots

Downing beer in moderation may deter the formation of blood clots, studies suggest. Drinking one beer a daily was found to have favorable effects on lipids and fibrinogen, a protein implicated in blood clotting.

Promotes Good Kidney Health

Small and hard lumps created by the concretion of salts that are found in the ducts of the gall bladder or the kidneys are called gallstones or the kidney stones. They are often caused by dehydration. However, medium or limited beer consumption is very helpful in handling these. Always remember to consult your doctor before consumption.


 Helps Boost Brain Health

We all are aware that the older we get, the slower our brain functions. Light to medium or limited amount of beer consumption reduces risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.

Better heart health

Those who drink a moderate amount of beer have been found to have a 31 percent lower risk for heart disease than those who don't. Beer has also been found to reduce the risk of heart attack and death from cardiovascular disease by up to 40 percent. This is especially good news for those who have been drinking wine for these benefits, but would have preferred a nice cold beer.

Cancer prevention

Though more research is needed, preliminary studies have found that a compound found in hops (which are used to make beer) may help to inhibit enzymes that trigger cancer. That same compound is also suspected to play a role in destroying carcinogens. Typically, microbrews are made with much more hops than mass-produced beers.

Reduces Risk Of Diabetes

Harvard research on many middle aged men recognized that the individuals who drank beer occasionally had a rise in their alcohol intake to few beers, making their possible risk of suffering from diabetes reduced drastically. But all these benefits are only applicable to limiting the intake to two drinks every day

It's high in fiber

Beer contains fiber, which acts as a natural laxative. It also slows the rate at which food leaves your stomach, which means it suppresses appetite. So indulge in a beer, and know you're preventing overeating.

It has anti-microbial properties

Hops, the bitter flowers used in brewing, are known to be antimicrobial, which could fight disease.

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